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Game Prototyping Workshop

Project #PlayZonnebloem has taught us a lot and raised some good questions so far. We built an ideas board to engage children during break time and share/test ideas. Austin, stopped by and we explored ideas of how we could design the playground to help him run physical education games. We have also learnt that kids LOVE to be a part of making and testing things and its possible to create a fun game that incorporates maths through play.

With the success of the Play Barn and the increasing number of students engaging in loose part play, we encouraged the students to develop game ideas that could be built for their playground in the near future. As always, its important to take our ideas and make them tangible so we set out to build our games and test them through play.

Outcomes :

  • Engaging students in hands-on making, collaboration,

  • problem solving and play while testing possible ideas and

  • exploring what works well.

  • Students identify ideas and learn to implement their solutions

  • through a tangible project that directly impacts their school

  • community.

  • Learn how students engage with different types of play

  • Identify which games are worth building permanently

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