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Play Tables Project

The Play Table Area is designed to be a long lasting multi-use public space. The tables and seating will exist on a raised platform built with a big pile of rocks that are currently taking up space on the playground. Each seating area will be surrounded by a pool of stones that can be used to play the games on the table tops. That way, stones are always available for gameplay and game pieces wont get lost. The table tops will be crafted by the students through a series of workshops in cement casting and ceramic tile making. Once the table tops are complete we will fix them to a steel support structure cemented into the ground to prevent theft.

Research Phase Articles : Idea Sharing & Vision Casting

Research Phase Articles : Game Prototyping Workshop

A playful environment to aid learning

The table game area aims to improve the playground by offering an educational play space. By celebrating games such as Morabaraba and Mancala, students can build mathematical and strategic thinking skills while playing with friends. The outdoor table area can also be used for informal lessons, games competitions or as a homework space after school.

Concept / Look & Feel

We have visualised some of our ideas with a series of renders, image references and sketches below. As always, we will learn something new when we get our hands dirty, but for now here are a visual ideas of what we will be developing. The design will be playful and include a series of cement inlay illustrations designed with the students and exploring themes related to the different games. The combination of colour oxide cement and bright ceramic tiles, will be a an inviting addition to the playground and encourage students to spend time under the shade of the big tree while celebrating what they have made.

Workshops & Production

The Table Games Area has been designed to invite people to be a part of the process through workshops and events that are creative, fun and engaging. Here is a quick diagram sketch explaining the process.

How will we activate this space once it is built?

Once we have completed the build process it is important activate the space through a series of interventions that kickstart a culture of using it. We want to celebrate what we have built and gain as much value from the new infrastructure as possible.

Here are a few ideas on how we will activate this space :

- Kickstarting a culture of play through an event or program

- Celebrating the new space in the form of an event (Hosting a breaktime table game compitition)

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